Saturday, October 27, 2012


October 25, 2012


Tomorrow I leave Guatemala, ending my 20th trip to the highlands over an 8 year period. Each and every trip has made a lasting impression which has shaped who I have become and who I am becoming.  I have cried. I have laughed. I have been humbled. I have been educated. And I have made lifelong friends on this journey. I have come to know our Lord like never before and have embraced the call He has placed upon my life. I am blessed, so very blessed by this mission.

Life in the Ixil is nothing like life in the States. I refuse to state the obvious impact of generations of oppression, war, isolation and poverty. That story is over told. Instead, my mind is focused on the unbelievable determination of a local indigenous leader who is driven to make a difference. Tabita Juana Toma de la Cruz. Her rock solid resolve to change a community for Jesus Christ is unwavering. Her story is made for TV – growing up without during a savage civil war; daughter of a prominent evangelical pastor who was executed for his beliefs when she was but 15. Beating the odds and escaping the chains of war and oppression. Getting educated in a culture that inhibits opportunity for women. Faced with choices, she defied the norm and decided to return to Cotzal – for the children; to lead the charge to provide a way up through education. She defines the term “street saint.”

God gave Tabita a vision in 2006 to start a private Christian School in Cotzal. Without resources, without a building, without teachers, without a recognized organization, she put up signs promoting the new school. She moved forward out of obedience, with great faith and abundant prayer. Twenty parents embraced her vision and signed their children up to begin classes in January of 2007. She scrambled to find classroom space, become recognized by the Ministry of Education and find teachers willing to work for nothing. Colegio Horeb had become a reality. Tabita gives all thanks to God.

Today, five years later, I watched as eight children graduated from 6th grade. Six of the eight are girls, each with the intention of continuing on in their education.  In all, 86 children attended the school this past year (grades 1-6). W.I.N.D of God had the opportunity to come alongside Tabita this past year, providing financial support which allows the school to remain functioning. God led us to Tabita’s doorstep at the perfect time. It is an honor to be used by God in this way.

I am excited to get home tomorrow. Spending time with Tabita can only inspire. Her vision includes continued growth, the acquisition of property and the construction of a new school for the children. I am anxious to continue to tell this amazing story to W.I.N.D. donors and invite them to join into this amazing story.

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